Dataset | Number of interactions | Publication | Download CSV |
YeRI | 1910 | Lambourne et al 2020 | YeRI.tsv |
ABBI-21 | 4557 | ABBI-21.tsv | |
Lit-BM-20 | 5589 | Lit-BM-20.tsv | |
CCSB-YI1 | 1772 | Yu et al 2008 | CCSB-YI1.tsv |
Ito-core | 816 | Ito et al 2001 | Ito-core.tsv |
Uetz-screen | 645 | Uetz et al 2000 | Uetz-screen.tsv |
Terms of use
All users are expected to observe the following guidelines when using unpublished data from the CCSB Yeast Interactome:
- There is a "moratorium" on dissemination of binary interaction screening data or derived results, including publication of global analysis of the data. The moratorium period for released interaction data ends 12 months after the entire verified data set obtained has been made publicly available or immediately upon publication of the corresponding dataset by CCSB (whichever comes first). We grant an exception to this moratorium for dissemination in the form of presentations or publications that are focused around small numbers of interactions, which we define to be either a set of up to 10 interactions, or all of the interactions involving a specific protein, whichever is less restrictive.
- The moratorium on dissemination is considered to extend to all forms of public disclosure, including meeting abstracts, oral presentations, and formal electronic submissions to publicly accessible sites (e.g., public websites, web blogs).
- Users are expected to acknowledge the following in all oral or written presentations, disclosures, or publications of the analyses (before or after the moratorium period):
- The Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB) at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- The funding organization(s) that supported the work:
- The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of NIH
- The date on which interaction dataset was downloaded, allowing readers the opportunity to efficiently identify which interactions in preliminary datasets might have been subsequently corrected (e.g., due to subsequent failure to validate)